Coe-Comfort Tissue Conditioner
GC Reline Chairside Hard Denture Reline
Manufacturer : GC America
GC Reline is a methyl methacrylate-free hard, self-curing denture reline material. GC Reline features reduced exothermic heat and minimal odor. In most cases it can be cured intraorally for better adaptation and less distortion. It can also be used to extend the borders of a denture.
Categories: Acrylics, Hard Reline
Product Description
GC Reline is a methyl methacrylate-free hard, self-curing denture reline material. GC Reline features reduced exothermic heat and minimal odor. In most cases it can be cured intraorally for better adaptation and less distortion. It can also be used to extend the borders of a denture.
Features and Benefits:
- – Less Chemical Irritation
- – Cures to Smooth and Dense Surfaces
- – Minimal Porosity
Standard Package: 80 g Powder, 50 ml Liquid, 15 g Bonding Agent, Measure Vial, Spatula, Brush and Mixing Cup
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